Industry Collaboration

Partnership with Industrial Member Companies

TAC-MI adopts a unique system of “Partnership with Industrial Member Companies”. Advisers in partner companies provide TAC-MI with pieces of advice in education and event programs as well as they mentor TAC-MI students to enlarge their social views and to become multitalented human beings. On the other hand, industrial partner companies can make opportunities for their researchers to join lectures and exercises held by TAC-MI and can advance human resource education in material science and information science, consequently.

Overview of Provided Service to Industrial Member Companies

Industrial member companies can participate in and make use of the following programs.

(1) Seminar in the field of Material Science and Information Science
Invitation to lectures and seminars of which topics are practical use cases of information technologies in material science and informatics research.

  • ”Advanced Course of Social Service Creation” held by TAC-MI
    (AY2020: 3 lecture days, intensive course)
  • Invitation to seminars which are held by TAC-MI and Tokyo Tech
    (1st Leading-edge Research Seminar(1-2 times/year, AY2020: held in August))

  • (2) Education Program for Researchers in Industrial Member Companies
    Opportunities that employees in industrial member companies can attend the following lectures and exercises held by TAC-MI.

  • Exercises in Materials and Informatics
    (“Materials Simulation”, “Materials Informatics”)
  • Lectures in Materials and Informatics
    (“Basic Materials Informatics”, “Advanced Course of Social Service Creation”)

  • (3) Industry – Academia Exchange Event
    Invitation to Presentation about research findings by students, Workshop of intelligent services: a social perspective, International forum, etc. Pieces of advice to students as an industrial mentor are expected.

  • TAC-MI Research Findings Presentations
    (in every June: Presentation about research findings by master and doctoral students)
  • International Forum
    (in every December: Presentations in English about research findings by doctoral students)
  • Workshop of Intelligent Services: a Social Perspective
    (2019. Dec.: Group work and presentation held in English by TAC-MI doctoral students and oversea doctoral students, 2020. Dec.: Group work and presentation (on-line) by TAC-MI doctoral students and young industrial researchers)

  • (4) Matching System with Researchers in Tokyo Tech
    Opportunity of utilizing matching system with researchers in Science Tokyo based on the industrial member company’s request.

    (5) Others

  • Member companies’ Logos in TAC-MI website, Pamphlet, etc.
  • Newsletter (3 times/year)
  • Company introduction event for career education
  • Entry for candidates in which TAC-MI will hold Practice School in the future.
    (One team of doctoral students and TAC-MI staffs stay at the company during 6 weeks. They propose solutions and development directions for important practical themes.Practice school is not a mandatory service, but an arbitrary service which needs a separate contract.)
  • Industrial Partners

    Hamamatsu Photonics K.K./ Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd. / JEOL Ltd. / JFE Steel Corporation /
    Kurita Water Industries Ltd. / KYOCERA Corporation / Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation /
    NIPPON KAYAKU CO., LTD. / Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. / Niterra Co., Ltd. / Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. /
    Resonac Corporation / SCREEN Holdings Co., Ltd. / Seiko Epson Corporation /
    Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. / SUMITOMO CHEMICAL Co., Ltd. / TAIYO YUDEN CO., LTD. / TDK Corporation /
    TODA KOGYO CORP. / Toray Industries, Inc. / Toshiba Corporation / TOSOH CORPORATION /
    Toyo Seikan Group Holdings, Ltd.
    (As of September 10,2024)

    Message from Industry-Academia Collaboration Coordinator

    I majored in plasma physics and X-ray astronomy in my student age and had led R&Ds and system designs of microlithography equipment and X-ray inspection system for 35 years in an industrial enterprise, and then joined TAC-MI, Science Tokyo on March, 1st, 2019. It is indeed important for the sustainable future of Japan and the world to foster human resources who can use Materials Informatics freely because a social standard of value is being determined drastically from a global view point. Utilizing my long experience in industry, I would like to make TAC-MI’s education under industry-academia collaboration rewarding. Member companies and TAC-MI students, let’s build and improve this education scheme with us !

    Kazuaki Suzuki (Industry-Academia Collaboration Coordinator)

    For inquiries, please contact the following.
    Contact Address : Institute of Science Tokyo TAC-MI Office (Industry Collaboration)

    syakai-renkei[at] ([at]→@)

    Member Companies Only

    Contact Address Institute of Science Tokyo TAC-MI Office