From Admission to Completion


The enrollment examination for the TAC-MI program ended in AY2023.
In April 2025, the TAC-MI program will be further developed, and a new interdisciplinary graduate major for doctoral students “Materials and Information Sciences” will be established, and will begin accepting students in April 2025.
For more information, please visit the following website.

Admission Policy・
Curriculm Policy・
Degree Policy

1. Admission policy

    TAC-MI welcomes the following students to enroll:

  • Those who have basic academic ability in science and engineering, and can think and express themselves logically based on that ability
  • Those who understand ideas from a multifaceted perspective based on broad and deep knowledge
  • Those who have the language skills necessary for promoting research and technological development with a global perspective
  • Those with the desire to tackle challenges in unknown territory
  • Those who are capable of becoming experts in materials science and information science, and asserting leadership to manage an industry-government-academia collaborative project that drives innovation forward in addressing social issues

2. Curriculum policy

    The TAC-MI program aims to foster the following individuals:

  • Those with advanced research skills in their area of expertise
  • Those who are aware of their place in the real world, while promoting research in materials science by utilizing information science or vice versa
  • Those who understand current and latent societal issues, and assert leadership to solve them, and possess an entrepreneurial and innovative attitude

3. Degree Policy

    The following individuals will be permitted to successfully complete the TAC-MI program:

  • Those with advanced research skills in their area of expertise
  • Those who promote research in materials science by utilizing information science or vice versa
  • Those who are aware of their place in the real world, while promoting research in materials science
  • Those who understand social issues, and assert leadership to solve them

Enrollment Examination

Step 1: Enrollment examination for TAC-MI
(must be applied for within one and a half years of enrollment in a master’s degree program)

Students applying to TAC-MI must submit a comprehensive research plan covering their Independent Research Project (or master’s thesis) and dissertation, reasons for applying, and a short paper on materials science and information science research. A committee consisting of three or more faculty members will carefully examine the applications and make a decision. Successful students will be enrolled in the educational program provided under the same name as the academy, i.e., “Tokyo Tech Academy for Convergence of Materials and Informatics” (TAC-MI).

Qualifying Examination・Completion Examination
(for quality assurance in education)

Step2 Screening examination for conducting doctoral study at TAC-MI
(must be taken between one and a half years and two years following enrollment in a master’s degree program)

Those who wish to continue to study at TAC-MI when advancing to a doctoral degree program must submit an independent research project (or master’s thesis research) for their Graduate Major and a report of an interdisciplinary research on materials science or information science, based on which successful candidates will be approved.

Step3 Qualifying examination for doctoral students pursuing research at TAC-MI(Qualifying Examination)
(must be taken within one year of enrollment in a doctoral degree program)

Those who wish to begin doctoral-level research at TAC-MI must take a set of examinations consisting of the following:
1)Oral examination to assess basic and advanced academic knowledge
2) Oral examination to assess problem-solving skills (Students will give an outline presentation on their work in
       identifying and solving problems on a cutting-edge research topic within their field of study.
3)Interview attended by company managers
       Students will be asked questions regarding their potential to become ‘knowledge professionals.’

Step4 TAC-MI completion examination

    To complete the TAC-MI educational program, students must pass an oral examination conducted by a committee composed of the following members:

  • Two faculty members from the candidate’s major field of study (excluding his/her academic supervisor)
  • Two faculty members from outside the candidate’s major field of study
  • One expert, as an observer, from industry or a public agency
  • Students will be asked whether they have fulfilled completion requirements and developed the competencies required of knowledge professionals.

Degree Awarded

Dissertation review and final examinations

Those who have passed the TAC-MI completion examination, in addition to having successfully completed a doctoral degree program in their Graduate Major, will receive a special TAC-MI certified diploma. They will earn one of the following degrees as designated by their Graduate Major: Doctor of Science, Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy

Contact Address Institute of Science Tokyo TAC-MI Office