
Requirements for Completion


Creativity enhancement

① Lectures and Exercises on Materials Science and Infomation Science

The lectures and exercises are designed to enable students who specialize in materials science to understand information science (i.e., big data analysis and simulation techniques), including various mathematical theories and their backgrounds, in order to extract hidden values from data accumulated in industry. Meanwhile, students who specialize in information science will learn the basic physical properties and functions of materials, and conduct physical properties simulations and device and process modeling. The lectures and exercises are closely aligned, and we provide classroom lectures and exercises with sufficient time for students to effectively deepen their understanding.

Basic Materials Informatics
  • Master’s program
  • Lecture
Materials Simulation
  • Master’s program
  • Lecture
Materials Informatics
  • Master’s program
  • Lecture

② Independent Research Project on Materials or Information Science

Students will participate in two-week laboratory rotations in which those who specialize in materials science will study at an information science laboratory, while students who specialize in information science will study at a materials science laboratory. Some laboratories in the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) as well as those in TITECH join this program. Each student will produce a report on individual study.

Materials-Informatics Interdisciplinary Research Skill(Laboratory rotation)
  • Master’s program
  • Lecture

③ Self-Designed Thesis

On their own initiative, students will choose a topic different from that of their dissertation and conduct research. They will present the research results upon completion of their doctoral degree program, and faculty members at TAC-MI will review the presentations. Through this process, students will acquire the ability to independently conduct unique research based on new ideas supported by knowledge of materials science and information science, transcending their individual specializations.

Self-designed thesis
  • Doctoral program
  • System

Broad perspective and leadership development

④ Lectures on Social Service Creation

Students will learn the latest technology topics, from materials to social applications, to understand the necessity of merging materials science and information science,and acquire the broad perspective ability to connect scientific knowledge to social services.They will also take career development courses comprising R & D activities and global competitiveness courses in order to understand value creation and intellectual property management at corporations.

Advanced Course of Social Service Creation
  • Doctoral program
  • Lecture
Social Service Creation Courses
  • Master’s program
  • Lecture

⑤ Leadership Development

TAC-MI will select certain leadership courses offered by the Tokyo Tech Academy for Leadership (established in April 2018), and recommend TAC-MI students to take them.

Leadership Development Courses
  • Master’s program
  • Doctoral program
  • Lecture
Common Fundamental Courses in Liberal Arts
  • Master’s program
  • Doctoral program
  • Lecture

⑥ Intelligent Services: a Social Perspective

Students will identify the direction of society by sifting through large amounts of data, contemplating the social contribution of their research, and proposing new businesses or industries based on their findings. A group consisting mainly of researchers and technical experts working in industry will discuss each proposal from various viewpoints. Researchers from NIMS, the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), and faculty members in charge of TAC-MI project will also participate in the discussion. Awards will be presented to individuals or groups who make outstanding proposals. (Until 2019,”Business Model Training Camp “)

Intelligent Services: a Social Perspective
  • Doctoral program
  • Event

⑦ Industrial Mentor System

Students will have the opportunity to meet with researchers and technical experts in industry and academia to assess their strengths and weaknesses.

Industrial Mentor System
  • Master’s program
  • Doctoral program
  • System

Practical ability and global mindset training

⑧ Practice School Courses

Practice School Courses, specializing in the combination of materials science and information science, are planned as a world first. Faculty members and students work together at a company for a month and a half. Together, they collect a large volume of information from across the company and solve its most pressing problems by utilizing the knowledge and experience students have obtained during their studies in TAC-MI. Students must acquire necessary knowledge and skills before taking this course.

Practice School
  • Doctoral program
  • Lecture

⑨ International Forums on Materials Science and Information Science

TAC-MI will invite distinguished researchers and their PhD students from around the world in addition to international mentors. TAC-MI students will have their research reviewed and participate in group work with overseas students to improve their research abilities and international communication skills.

International Forums
  • Doctoral program
  • Event

⑩ International Internships

Students will visit overseas research organizations for internship, and conduct practical training using their knowledge of materials science and information science.

Off-Campus Project
  • Doctoral program
  • Study abroad

⑪ TAC-MI Research Grant

Students will be required to submit a research plan. Research grants will be provided to deserving plans chosen by TAC-MI. (The amount, up to 500,000 yen, varies depending on the contents of the plan.) Through preparing documents of research plan and report, students become independent to find problems, and to solve them.

TAC-MI Research Grant
  • Doctoral program
  • System

⑫ International Mentor System

Students will have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with faculty from overseas universities in order to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses.

International Mentor System
  • Master’s program
  • Doctoral program
  • System

Study Guide


Study Model


Please refer to Study Model when TAC-MI students register for courses. Students who wish to enroll to TAC-MI in the future could also refer to it. This is only an example as a model, and various other courses are possible within the contents described in the Study Guide.

  • Typical example for a student who entered Tokyo Tech in September enrolled in TAC-MI in the spring of M2pdf
  • Typical example for a student who entered Tokyo Tech in September enrolled in TAC-MI in the fall of M2pdf
  • (Reference) TAC-MI degree completion requirementspdf
  • Contact Address Institute of Science Tokyo TAC-MI Office